I graduated with my Master of Science in Communication Disorders on December 17, 2010. Basically, I graduated into the world of Speech Language Pathology. Now, this California girl did so in Nebraska...December in Nebraska...think cold, snow, ice. And YES, I walked across that stage in gold sparkly high heels! (In all seriousness, I LOVED my time in Nebraska and if you are looking to go to graduate school for Communication Disorders, I urge you to look into the University of Nebraska at Omaha.)

On my graduation day, I remember sitting in my seat during the ceremony and being overcome with emotions. I was proud and also nervously excited for the future...where would I work, what population would I work with, what was next...
8 years later and the world of Speech Language Pathology has brought me so much professionally and personally. I have worked with preschoolers through high schoolers, I have worked in a specialized center, traditional public school setting, and a homeschool/clinic setting. I have learned from some of the most impressive and compassionate educators. I have experienced so many emotions individually and with my students and their families. I have attended countless (I seriously should have kept a tally starting out) meetings of varying intensities. I have to admit that some of the situations I have found myself in have broken me down and made me question my calling, but then a preschooler used her words to communicate with a peer, an elementary school student using an AAC device communicated "I want hug" to his mother, a 5th grader ran up to me proudly (and correctly) articulating /r/ for the first time, a high school student reported more confidence engaging in social interactions with peers, colleagues express that an idea they took away from an inservice I gave helped them to better support a student, a parent who thought their child might never have a meaningful conversation participates in services and watches their child's language grow...these moments remind me of my professional WHY.
During these past 8 years, I have welcomed two beautiful children into the world. Without realizing my professional calling mixed with my personal calling and I am so grateful.
It is an honor to serve those who need support with speech and language skills. Thank you to all those who are with me on this journey...I am a better SLP because of you...I mean it!

Now on to year 9!
P.S. YES, this is a revamp of my original blog name...Something To Talk About SLP. I have explored with different names throughout my 5ish years of blogging, but this one just really resonates with me. So, I am happily back to Something To Talk About SLP