Thursday, October 15, 2015

Conversation Jenga

If you have played Jenga, chances are, YOU LOVE JENGA!  Everyone loves Jenga!  Especially children...they love anything you can build and then knock over, right?!

With my elementary school students, we play Jenga, but of course with a speechie twist.  :)
How to make and play: On a regular Jenga set, I wrote conversation starters on each of the blocks.  As a student picks a block, he/she reads the conversation starter out loud, and then speaks on the topic.  The other students in the group listen to their peer and then ask one related question.  Another way to play is to have the student who picks the block present the conversation starter to a peer.  This is a great game to practice conversing socially, listening, asking questions, and turn-taking.

Stumped with conversation starters?!  Let me give you a little jumpstart:
1.  Tell me about your favorite animal.
2.  Tell me about your favorite meal.
3.  Tell me about something that makes you happy.
4.  Tell me about your family.
5.  Tell me about your last birthday.
6.  Tell me about your day at school.
7.  Tell me about your favorite sport.

The key with the conversation starts is to make sure the questions/statements are open-ended.
What do you do to help facilitate conversation in a fun and functional way?

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